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Gabinete do Prefeito

00:00 Quarta-feira, 10 de Fevereiro de 2010

Biografia em português

João da Costa Bezerra Filho

João da Costa Bezerra Filho was born in the city of Angelim, state of Pernambuco, in the dry area of the north-east of Brazil. He began work very young and arrived in Recife in the 70´s to study. He studied Agronomy in the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco – UFRPE, and Business Administration in Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE. In that period, he began his politic activity in the student directories of the Universities. He was Director of the Central Directory of the Students of UFPE, President of the Central Directory of the Students – DCE of UFRPE, General Coordinator of the Brazilian Student Federation of Agriculture, and director of National Union of the Students – UNE.

He joined the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) in 1988. In the same year that happens the election of João Paulo Lima e Silva as the first state deputy of the PT in Recife, he was appointed to be the interlocutor between the popular mandate and the party. In all the following political campaigns of João Paulo Lima e Silva – to be a congressman of Pernambuco, candidate of Mayor of Jaboatão dos Guararapes and candidate of Mayor of Recife – João da Costa was the Coordinator. It represents 20 years of friendship, respect and hard work.

In 2001, João da Costa took over the command of the Secretariat of the Participatory Budget, established in the first administration of the Mayor João Paulo Lima e Silva. People of Recife started to discuss priorities and to define the actions and the public works performed by Recife City Hall. Presently, the Participatory Budget of the city of Recife is the greatest experience of popular participation in Brazil.

In 2005, João da Costa begins to coordinate the Secretariat of Participatory Planning, focused on three key areas: expanding the process of participatory budget; working up of the new Director Plan of Recife; and preparing the great map of the inequalities in the city – the Atlas of Human Development of Recife, whose was rewarded by the United Nations – UN. In 2006, João da Costa was the most voted to be elected a state deputy by the population of Pernambuco, getting over 65 thousand votes. João da Costa is 49 years old and is married to Marilia Bezerra. They have a son called João Victor who is 7 years old. In 2008, he was elected Mayor of the City of Recife, in the first round, with 51% of the votes of the population of Recife.

Matérias Relacionadas
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- Festa marca aniversário da Guarda Municipal do Recife
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- João da Costa prestigia assinatura de acordo para construção de estaleiro em Suape
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- PCR realiza mobilização para atividades ligadas ao Mês da Mulher
- Guarda Municipal do Recife comemora 117 anos
- Guarda Municipal promove atividades para comemorar seus 117 anos

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